Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dirty Windows

I read this story today from President Monson's talk "Charity Never Faileth" and I realized how far I have to go before I actually get "there".  This talk almost had me in tears, perhaps it was the timing of reading it but I could really see how the windows I am looking out are dirty.  You will have to read the talk for yourself but I would like to take a short clip from it.  

"A young couple, Lisa and John, moved into a new neighborhood. One morning while they were eating breakfast, Lisa looked out the window and watched her next-door neighbor hanging out her wash.
“That laundry’s not clean!” Lisa exclaimed. “Our neighbor doesn’t know how to get clothes clean!”
John looked on but remained silent.
Every time her neighbor would hang her wash to dry, Lisa would make the same comments.
A few weeks later Lisa was surprised to glance out her window and see a nice, clean wash hanging in her neighbor’s yard. She said to her husband, “Look, John—she’s finally learned how to wash correctly! I wonder how she did it.”
John replied, “Well, dear, I have the answer for you. You’ll be interested to know that I got up early this morning and washed our windows!”

I realize how judgemental I can be sometimes and need to use a little bit of my own advice, I have always quoted my Grandpa's saying "never let another's failings make you to there virtue blind".  I don't remember who said this but I once read "The Lord doesn't judge a man until he is dead; we shouldn't either."

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